Friday, December 7, 2007

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Operation Recital Accomplished

The recital went great! Everyone played beautifully,but man was it stress full. I arrive at recital at 6:00 to practice. Ashely and Melissa were there practicing and they were saying " I'm so nervous" etc. Me I was as cool as a cucumber. Yea Right! I was so nervous that I could feel heat rising throughout my body and sweating and I haven't even played yet. then again I'm nervous before anything even baseball games even though I've had probably played a thousand games I still get those butterflies. Anyway everyone looked sharp played great I wanted to thank Ashely for teaching me my song and although I have a long way to go I look forward to it, and thanks Melissa for playing the piano for practically everyone, and thank you Mrs. Fryman for your preparation and Pastor and Mrs.Graf for the beautiful decorations and letting us have the recital there, lastly I want to thank all who came out and watch the recital. I'll have pictures of the recital soon.