Thursday, September 27, 2007

Man of the Day

This guy is so much fun he know how to play just about every instrument and its such a treat when we get to see him at OLD BETHPAGE VILLAGE his name is Jeff Davis

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I Bleed Blue and Orange Come Hockey season

DiPietro, who fought former teammate Arron Asham in practice last season, then leaped on Strudwick and took him down to the ice.When Montoya came out of his net, DiPietro instructed him to drop his gloves and take off his mask and then pulled Montoya down and pummeled him Taken out of Newday Online.
Lets Go Islanders 5-4 victory I know its pre-season but its a start

Monday, September 24, 2007

19th Aniversery

We celebrated our 19th anniversary as a church its was a fun evening but i had to leave early and i was upset with that but it was a great day overall

My Buddy

I've known and loved this dog since he was a pup he's my best friends dog and every time i come over he gives me a hug tell me this puppy isn't the best

Only 6 Days Left Yee Haw

There is only 6 days left until practicaly the whole church goes away up to Roseland Ranch
it is going to be the greatest camp ever I cant wait for the great preaching activities and that are planned its probably going to be the best trip we had well almost last years Sr. trip is pretty hard to beat well cant wait to see you guys there

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Friends For a Life Time

Just a Kid

Hey guys it seems now that mostof our school has a blog now and so I decided to do one to. It seems like everything goes so fast i was looking back and realized that it felt like a couple days ago I was a small pudgy kid playing basketball in a church parking lot and getting kicked out ha. Then about a year went by now its 2001 and we went to that church that my mom was ever so curious about a i was 11 years old not knowing anyone and going into this Sunday school class with a teacher who is one of the most genuine nicest people I know her name was Mrs. Graf. Now she was married to this big man who at the time I thought was scary at the time and i thought he was scary because he yelled when he preached but now I love him so much, and he is wise and just the best. After the service I remember about 6 kids coming up to me . It was 3 girls 3 guys. And they told me there names ( Melissa,Abbey, Ashely,Frank,Paul,Bill) and i left there thinking wow those people were different they didn't talk the way I did the were really nice so we started coming for another year and then my parent became members of the church and I got to go to the greatest school ever and I made the greatest friends ever that I will always love. Now our Church moved to Holtsvile and I'm on the brink of turning 18 (wow :o) ) and I'm still just that kid who loves to have fun.