Saturday, April 5, 2008

A Fine Finish To A Fine Weekend

Although the 2 games I went to the Yankees won 1 and lost 1 I got a lot of great pictures and an autograph by one of my favorite players JOBA CHAMBERLIN! I could'nt believe it. Billy, Johnathan, And Bro. Pratnicky, Went to monument park as I strolled into the first base line in the first row and planted myself there for all of Yankees batting practice. In my birds eye view Joba was fielding fly balls and throwing balls into the stands, no where near where I was standing (very discouraging). Then this man next to me gives the security gaurd a card saying his son has a disease and it is fatal asking if he can at least get the kid a ball from the ball boy. So Yankee Batting Practice finishes and Joba goes and signs autographs like about 50-70 feet away from where im'm standing, and I'm think oh man he's just going to sign over their. Then that security guard whispered to Joba and a face of urgency came upon him he came running over stopped everyone and said wheres the kid? Guess where he was, behind me. So I turn around picked him up with the fathers permission, Joba Signs everything for him, I gave Joba my jacket and he signed it I felt like I was a 10 year old kid at my first Yankee game it was a great day!

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