Monday, October 15, 2007

We're Off To a Good Start

We are off to a good start in the 07-08 hockey season although 3-3-0 we have showed heart in every game (except 1) and we're showing we can score not many people thought we were going to be a contending team this year due to the fact that we lost Blake, Smith, Poti, Kozlov,Yashin, Asham , and Hill but we picked Billy Guerin , Mike Comrie , John Sim, Rusland Fedetenko, Bryan Berard And Andy Sutton we look strong, we look tough and we took a 1-0 lead over the Ranger vs Islanders Series with Rick Dipietro leading the Islanders we should be very good this season

1 comment:

JustinJ said...

Just because you won a couple games its just the beginning of the season ps. nice blog