Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy thanks giving everyone! I hope you a wonderful day of remembrance of what we should be thankful for, and having turkey and everything else. Well its that time of year the greatest time of year, Christmas time. So many things are happening in these next couple of weeks I have a recital I have to get ready for ( oh boy), also we (our school) have a a Christmas cantata coming up, my brother Joeys Birthday is tomorrow Nov. 23, Pastors Birthday Dec.22, Christmas, then my Birthday Dec.29. All this is going to go by pretty fast, But we all love this time of year it should be a lot of fun.


Anonymous said...

Hey Chris I never knew your Birthday was the day after mine.


Anonymous said...

yours is the 28 Wow thats awsome well i be sure to wish you a happy birthday
