Friday, November 23, 2007


Last year the singles play the married men in football and lost when we shouldn't have but non the less we lost. so Yesterday the singles were ready and geared up to play and at first we didn't start so hot we went 3 and out on our first drive and the men scored first but we stay right in there. The men took a 3-1 lead and had the ball things were not looking good. Little did they know that the singles were not going to fold we were not going give up, so the have the ball Dr. Bernie throws it to Mike Albani and I intercepted it. Now we have the ball back we On 3rd down Barry Drops back and has no one so he takes it and runs for a touch down! Any way long story short WE Won THE GAME! With touch downs scored by John Graf Josh Johnston Barry with 2. It was a great day.

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