Thursday, March 13, 2008

I'm back and with a whole lot of things to tell you. Sorry for being unfaithfull to the blogging world but I have just been so busy. Well as most of you know I work just about everyday at Taco bell and Johnathan my great friend and boss is pushing me to manager and I think i'm answering the call pretty well. Also recently it was my Dads birthday and Billy's birthday. For my Dads B-day we went to Islanders Vs. Rangers although we lost, it was still a lot of fun, except the part were I sat with a bunch of ranger fans yuck! For Billy's B-day we went to his house ate, and had cake, he opend his gifts, and we laughed and had a good time. Also I have my 5 hour course and my road test coming up Yikes! Spring is Springing and I'm gettin ready for probly the biggest spring and summer. I'm taking classes to finish school, I'm working all the time, getting ready to Win it all at the SOFTBALL TOURNEY this year! And I'm looking foward to it. Um lets see what else, I'm lookin foward to days off from work in the summer and hanging out with friends going for Italian ices, playing sports, BBQ's all that fun stuff. Oh yea duh Johns weddings coming up Oh my Word. It will be Crazy Fun and Exciting. See everyone soon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You look really good and handsome brother! I like your yankees hat.

Love ~Giovanna