Sunday, April 27, 2008

Coming Soon

Coming soon yours truly will be becoming a manager at taco bell on 112 its an exciting time time it means a nice raise and I'm on my way up after 3 months of being a crew member. Also my road test is on Friday others going for there test are, Abbey, Melissa, Emily, Lisa, and Bill and Luke is going for his written test good luck to everyone don't be nervous you'll do fine (coming from a kid almost had a panic attack learning the para ell park but i got it down perfect). Now that i think of it its a really fun time in my life because its a bunch of first I'm going to buy a car, I'm becoming a first time manager of a job, driving for the first time freely by myself. So its definitely fun. Also we just ended one of the best conferences we had in a while brother Jim Males Missionary to the world but right now stationed in Scotland, preached phenomenal sermons really spoke to my heart i cant wait to see what the Lord has in store for my life well here some cars that are in my price range let me know which one you like

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Irish Tenors

I'm determined to see them in concert I came close last year but it didn't happen but I want to see them

Sunday, April 20, 2008


So on April 15 i went to go take my road test with my great Friend John Rivera. Now WE get there early and he said lets just get in a quick practice so we did i had everything down parallel park was a cinch so we go on line to take my test final the instruct get to me first this he says " Your inspections expired." still has me go through everything then says "Well unfortunately your inspection's expired so re-schedule you test so now its May 2 so lets try again.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

5 Days until road test

I cant believe its only 5 days until my road test I really need a license and I really hope I pass I'm practising trying to perfect everything but I just hope all goes go well

Saturday, April 5, 2008

A Fine Finish To A Fine Weekend

Although the 2 games I went to the Yankees won 1 and lost 1 I got a lot of great pictures and an autograph by one of my favorite players JOBA CHAMBERLIN! I could'nt believe it. Billy, Johnathan, And Bro. Pratnicky, Went to monument park as I strolled into the first base line in the first row and planted myself there for all of Yankees batting practice. In my birds eye view Joba was fielding fly balls and throwing balls into the stands, no where near where I was standing (very discouraging). Then this man next to me gives the security gaurd a card saying his son has a disease and it is fatal asking if he can at least get the kid a ball from the ball boy. So Yankee Batting Practice finishes and Joba goes and signs autographs like about 50-70 feet away from where im'm standing, and I'm think oh man he's just going to sign over their. Then that security guard whispered to Joba and a face of urgency came upon him he came running over stopped everyone and said wheres the kid? Guess where he was, behind me. So I turn around picked him up with the fathers permission, Joba Signs everything for him, I gave Joba my jacket and he signed it I felt like I was a 10 year old kid at my first Yankee game it was a great day!

Monday, March 31, 2008

this Post is For Andrew

There Here My Tickets Are in

My tickets for the Yankee game on April 3rd are in! Although it is going to be a sad occasion going because we know that after this season they are knocking it down. but right across the street is the brand new Yankee Stadium and it looks beautiful from the pictures I've seen I cant wait I'm going on Thursday and on Saturday. I should have a lot of pictures and I cant wait to share them with you

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ice Skating!

On Monday Mrs. Johnston took Me, Josh, Justin, Abbey, and Melissa, ice skating and it was so much fun. Now going ice skating is always an experience for me because I am a good skater its just I always fall at least 3 times every time we go I don't get it the first one isn't the bad one it's the last 2. O man the are big falls I mean I leave both feet come crashing on my knees. My knees were so swollen yesterday. One time I am skating and I caught a nick in the ice (I am always the one to find them) and I slip head first. Another time I fell and slid from like the middle of the ice to the boards hahah that one was funny. And the third time Josh was showing me something and and I was skating backwards and went to turn and there was that Nick came off both feet and bam I hit the ice with both knees. Oh yea towards the end Josh and I were flying around the rink and I'm right behind him and he decides to snow shower (stop ) and I snow showered to late, we clank knees fell end of story hahah.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter Everyone hope you all have a great day

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My 5 Hour Course Certificate

This was such an annoying class

You Know Your A Red Neck If........

You think the last words to The Star Spangled Banner are "Gentlemen, start your engines."................You think TACO BELL is the Mexican Phone Company .............You got stopped by a state trooper, He asked you if you had an I.D. And you said, 'Bout What?' ......................Non.Athletic.Sport.Created.Around Rednecks....... (that spells Nascar)..................You think Possum is "The Other White Meat" You carried a fishing pole into Sea World.

This Day In History

March 19, 2003 War in Iraq begins On this day in 2003, the United States, along with coalition forces primarily from the United Kingdom, initiates war on Iraq. Just after explosion... MORE On this day in 1734, Patriot politician Thomas McKean is born to Scots-Irish Presbyterian parents in Chester County, Pennsylvania. He will eventually serve as president of the state of Delaware, president of the U.S. Congress under the Articles of Confederation and chief justice of Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court. McKean’s revolutionary involvement began with the Stamp Act Congress of 1765, in which he served as a delegate from Delaware, where he had begun practicing law in 1755. As the representative of a small colony, McKean proposed the “one colony, one vote” system that endured in Congress throughout its existence under the Articles of Confederation. McKean also served in the first and second Continental Congresses from 1774 to 1776, where he advocated for independence from Britain. McKean served as the interim president of the state of Delaware in the fall of 1777, during which time he was already serving as chief justice of Pennsylvania. McKean served Pennsylvania in this capacity from 1777 until 1799, helping to establish judicial practice and precedent in the new nation. In 1781, during his brief term as “president of the United States” under the Articles of Confederation, the British surrendered at Yorktown. McKean went on to serve in the Pennsylvania convention that voted to ratify the federal Constitution. In 1799, he became governor of Pennsylvania, a position he held until 1808. While still governor in 1804, McKean County, Pennsylvania, was named in McKean’s honor. He remained an active political voice in Philadelphia until his death in 1817.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Tobe's Horrible 2 days

On Thursday I called in form work because I wasn't feeling good So on Friday I went to work at 12 to make up for the day that I was out. I was going to leave at 12am but a co-worker Carlos wasn't feeling well so I said I'll close for you. what was I thinking ! so I worked 15 hours that day and came home at 4 am then. Then as I just began to shut my eyes, so it seemed, My alarm rings. 8:00 am time for the horrible 5 hour course. Although my teacher was really funny because he was really into it. he would tell stories about being a police for 27 years and long gory stories and at the end of each one he would say "trust me.... trust me". After that I had to go back to the place were I spend most of my time. You guess it Taco Bell until 10 pm. But all that time is paying off because I'm going to become manager within the next 4 or 5 months! So I'll be posting more C-ya.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

playing hockey in the house it drove my Mom nuts
Getting Ready to win it all!
At Bills
I'm back and with a whole lot of things to tell you. Sorry for being unfaithfull to the blogging world but I have just been so busy. Well as most of you know I work just about everyday at Taco bell and Johnathan my great friend and boss is pushing me to manager and I think i'm answering the call pretty well. Also recently it was my Dads birthday and Billy's birthday. For my Dads B-day we went to Islanders Vs. Rangers although we lost, it was still a lot of fun, except the part were I sat with a bunch of ranger fans yuck! For Billy's B-day we went to his house ate, and had cake, he opend his gifts, and we laughed and had a good time. Also I have my 5 hour course and my road test coming up Yikes! Spring is Springing and I'm gettin ready for probly the biggest spring and summer. I'm taking classes to finish school, I'm working all the time, getting ready to Win it all at the SOFTBALL TOURNEY this year! And I'm looking foward to it. Um lets see what else, I'm lookin foward to days off from work in the summer and hanging out with friends going for Italian ices, playing sports, BBQ's all that fun stuff. Oh yea duh Johns weddings coming up Oh my Word. It will be Crazy Fun and Exciting. See everyone soon